A Proven Formula For Maximum Prevention
Gengyve contains cutting edge ingredients that create maximum results for both your mouth and whole body health
Encourages Quicker Healing
Contains Antimicrobial Agents
Developed By A Dental Surgeon
EffectivelyPrevents Plaque Build-Up
A Proven Formula For Maximum Prevention
Gengyve contains cutting edge ingredients that create maximum results for both your mouth and whole body health
The Gengyve Benefits
"Upgrade From The Ordinary"
Gengyve forms a prolonged protective barrier in the mouth, with an active ingredient that effectively destroys harmful bacteria and viruses.
Unlike other prescription-strength products that can only be used for up to 2 weeks due to side effects, Gengyve is safe for long-term use, giving you continuous support for your best oral health.
Clean, safe and natural ingredients that are powerful enough for the dentists chair, but gentle enough for home use.
How is Gengyve Different?
Prescription Grade mouthwash, designed for everyday use